by LedgerDomain
Blockchain-powered authentication for documents that matter.
Blockchain-powered authentication for documents that matter.
It should never be given freely. DocuSeal is a document verification framework that creates trust through the security and immutability of blockchain.
With DocuSeal, you can upload sealed documents into private storage. Each document has a unique hash that is immutably stored on the blockchain. When an authorized user retrieves the document, a hash check verifies its authenticity.
In a world where lawyers rely on burdensome paper trails and third-party services, DocuSeal makes documents secure and unforgeable.
DocuSeal has radical implications for every situation where authenticity in paperwork matters – from court papers, contracts, and finance to supply chains, journalism, and estate planning.
The DocuSeal framework is driving new applications in the pharmaceutical supply chain, including KitChain for clinical studies and BRUINchain for commercial tracking and verification.
Drug Tracking, Tracing, and Verification at the Last Mile of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain with BRUINchain
How LedgerDomain’s Hyperledger Fabric Solution Unlocks Real-Time Inventory Management
By registering for DocuSeal, you agree to the beta terms and privacy policy. Once the app is ready for you, we will send an invite to your Apple device. To inquire about white-label opportunities for your industry, please contact